Widgets for e-commerce marketer dashboards

I spent a summer at Adobe Technology Labs (Bangalore) with a multidisciplinary team consisting of two interns and a data scientist, Moumita Sinha as our mentor. We decided to study and visualize shopping cart abandonment for the purpose of permission marketing.

We classified visitors of a prominent e-commerce site based on their likelihood to buy. We also evaluated their propensity to unsubscribe from related e-commerce emails. My unique contribution was visualizing both tendencies in conjunction, to make it possible to better target customers in real time, potentially by pushing offers based on customer characteristics. We filed two US patents titled Online Shopping Cart Analysis (rejected) and Predicting Unsubscription of Potential Customers (issued).

Please see the screen capture of a sample, sped up D3.js visualization below. The size of the bubbles indicated the number of items in the cart of a potential customer. The colors indicate our predictions. A bubble would stay on screen, moving from left to right, based on the length of the browsing session. Each bubble could be clicked to see specific customer information. Depending on these characteristics of current website visitors, we could enable marketers (as part of their existing workflows) to push offers from their analytics dashboard accordingly.

screen capture of D3 visualization

Please see my mentor describing an extension of our ideas at Adobe Summit 2016, in the section titled “Ad Wearout”. The underlying concept (in terms of data science) has evolved, however, the visualization I created is still relevant.